Hi all,
I'm sending this message out to you all as a general one. It is not to a specific person, so please don't read into it in that way. Apply what I am saying to yourself as you see it is needed.
We are close or at midterms, I've lost track. It gets lonely down here in the art lair and I lose track of time.
But I know we are close. Most of you have been keeping up with things really well and I appreciate that. Some of you have been having a hard time getting things going and I also appreciate that. It is a difficult time and trying to do your artwork through this online thing is difficult. It's hard to motivate and it's easy to let things slip. I understand that.
The rhythm of attending class helps get one into the habit of making things and producing what you need to produce to progress. We really don't have that with the online class. However, what you do have is the flexibility to work at your own pace and take real ownership in what you create. I think that is cool. I love that. Because eventually you will be out in the world, responsible to no one but yourself. Those of you that want to follow an art path, that path of being an artist, will HAVE to learn to self-motivate. To create your own assignments, to not rely on doing what you are told, to push yourself, to hold yourself accountable and all of that stuff…right? So this online format is perfect for that.
You are kind of more of your own boss…kind of. I still have to give you a grade at the end of this semester. I hate that because it is not the artist's way, but it IS the way of the system we are working in.
Note to reader the following is a free form screed….
What is the artist's way? I'm glad you asked. It is understanding that to get better with your art it is 100% up to you. It is understanding that sometimes to get better you have to get a whole lot worse. It is understanding that you have to both be hard on yourself but also cut yourself a lot of slack be gentle to yourself. It's understanding that the inner critic just the inner jerk that you shouldn't listen to. It is understanding that you do have an inner asshole that makes you strong and forthright with your art. The artist's way is accepting change. It is recognizing that what you think is the only way to do something, is not the only way to do something at all. It is that you don't have talent. It is understanding that you do have talent but for now, or forever, it does not matter. It is understanding that lazy artists rely on talent. It is realizing that you will be totally different in a year, deal with that fear. It is also realizing that your grade does not matter.
OK! I got that out of my system…lol.
I am a very easy grader. I'll just say that up front. I am. I am because I seriously don't care about grades as they pertain to art. AND grades are more reflective of your behavior than anything you actually do. This is how we have all been conditioned.
I will also be far more generous with grades because of the crazy online thing. I assure you that I will. It cuts you some slack, but it also cuts me some. I'm floundering in the dark with this.
I also hate the whole "hard ass art teacher" routine. You know, the super critical, nazi art teacher that puts everyone down. School of hard knocks…blah blah blah. I hate that stereotype. I am a supportive, encouraging and generous teacher. I do not believe in harsh criticism especially if it is without a constructive subtext. Yeah, I can get taken advantage of and I always know but I don't care. You only hurt yourself.
This is all my long winded way of saying that if you have not moved forward much on this class and you are feeling down, just get going…there is still time! OR if you feel like you can't, it is time to withdraw. What I want you to avoid is trying to do everything in the last two weeks. I really dislike being put in that position and it usually ends up poorly. Ie…I will flunk you.
Well, I don't know what else to say. You are all great, I love being your teacher and I hope this motivates those of you that need it. For those of you that don't I hope it was an entertaining read! ;)
If you need to chat I'm am very happy to set up a Zoom meet.
Much love,